Commercial & Business Law

Any client will only trust their lawyer if the lawyer can cut through complexity and reduce risk.  This is what we do for our clients. No two businesses are alike, and there are no ‘one size fits all’ solutions. 

Business transactions can be deceptively complex.  What often appears simple on the outside can be incredibly complex on the inside and no single approach is right for every situation.  It is important to make sure you protect yourself against the both the visible and hidden dangers of operating in today’s modern marketspace.

How we can assist

We deliver practical and cost-effective advice and draft documentation specifically tailored to your business circumstances.  Most importantly, we work with you to reduce your business risk exposure.

We provide advice on, including but not limited to the following areas:

    1. New Business Establishment including Trusts / Partnerships / Joint Ventures / Companies;
    2. Business Succession Planning;
    3. Business Contracts;
    4. Franchise Agreements;
    5. Standard Trading Terms; and
    6. Australian Competition and Consumer Law;
    7. Contact us for other commercial and business issues as you require.

In order to protect your business or personal interests, it is best to document your business transaction with a well negotiated and properly drafted contract (sometimes called an agreement or, in certain circumstances, a deed).

You will never regret having received proper advice and documentation in place that can be relied upon to confirm the intentions of the parties at the time of negotiating the commercial transaction.

At Obvia Legal, we pride ourselves on taking a practical cost-effective approach to ensure a full understanding of what our clients’ want, how they want to achieve their goals and be within their budget.

Fees and Charges

We understand that for many of our smaller clients cost predictability is essential. To meet that need, we’re happy to offer many of our frequently requested legal documents at a fixed price.

To suit your requirements, we offer a range of value-based pricing models, including:

  • Hourly rates
  • Capped fees
  • Fixed prices
  • Staged costing

Please contact us to find out how we can be of assistance!